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Futsal club - enjoy level- Iregular Wednesday 20:00-21:00/ Okayama city kita-ku daianji
- Plusフォローする 0 気になるに登録気になるを解除
募集者 |
![]() |
開催日 | 2024. 02. 21(水)20:00 - 21:00 |
申込み期限 | 終了 ( 締切日時:2024/02/20 (火) 20:00 ) |
エリア | 岡山岡山 |
会場 | |
定員 | 10(申込み0|承認0、残り10) |
種類 | フットサルの個人参加 |
募集ID | 8000000000470178 |
本文 | 【Date and Location】 At Fajiano futsal park Daianji (https://labola.jp/r/shop/3229/) Irregular Wednesday Activities:February 21th from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM 【Participation Fee】 From 300 yen per person at one time 【Comments】 We are an enjoyable team that welcomes participants of all skill levels, from beginners to advanced, and spans a wide range of ages, from university students to those in their 40s. We ensure that everyone, regardless of skill, age, or gender, can have a good time. You can participate at your own pace. You can also enjoy English or Japanese conversation. Usually with 10 participants each time, we divide into two teams and enjoy the games. Please feel free to contact us using the form below. ★ Participation form ★ 【Name】 Full Name 【Scheduled Date for Participation or Observation】 【Futsal/Sports Experience】 Please fill in the above information and apply through the Labora message. If the information is not provided, we may not be able to respond. Team Manager: Masa (Japanese) Declaration: We strictly manage personal information within our club and will only use it for contact or activities as necessary. Additionally, without the consent of the individual or guardian, we will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties (except when required by law). Personal information will be responsibly disposed of when no longer needed. |
- 事務局に通報しました。
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