2022年09月26日 21:00 visibility152
Customize your space so that it truly reflects you and your working style. Your home office space should feel good to be in, something that goes beyond function alone. Add personal flair with a fresh coat of colourful paint to inspire creativity and lighten the mood. Or, choose a neutral paint colour that ties the room together, including your tech and furniture. Lighting is another important element for setting the tone for a productive day. This is especially important if you don’t have a window nearby or if you tend to work in the evening. Consider a task light or desk lamp that has different brightness settings and colour options to suit your needs on any given day, like the Vamp LED Desk Lamp. Plants are another great way to boost productivity and to add colour and freshness to your home office. Select a plant that will thrive indoors; for instance, succulents love lots of direct sunlight, whereas a spider plant prefers indirect natural light.
Necessary Tech, Equipment, and Supplies for Your Home Office
Tech, equipment, and office supplies are other important elements of your home workspace. For instance, a proper internet connection is essential to at-home productivity. With more meetings going virtual, a consistent high-speed internet connection will ensure you are present for every single detail. Hardware is another important consideration, though not always for performance (i.e. a computer with great specs). An ergonomic office goes beyond standing gaming desk alone and you will want to make sure that your monitor height helps you retain good posture throughout the day. Software — such as digital presentation tools, word processors, and spreadsheet programs, to name a few — is another feature to keep in mind, though most workplaces will be able to grant you home access to these tools. Remember, no home office is complete without a stock of fresh supplies such as pens, post-it notes, printer paper, a stapler and staples, or a under desk wire management organizer.
Striking a Work/Life Balance at Your Home Office
Setting proper boundaries around work and the rest of life is even more essential when you work from home. To work from home in harmony, treat going to your home office just as you would any other workplace. Keep a routine that helps you feel mentally alert — such as taking a shower, making coffee, eating breakfast, or putting on makeup — so that when you sit down at your standing computer desk安排午休时间,并确保在此期间从办公桌上起身走动,就像在办公室一样。使用降噪耳机或静音通知来避免分心,这样您就可以保持专注。记住休息一整天以站立或伸展以避免疲劳。通过关闭您的技术、关灯并关上门来向您自己(和家里的其他任何人)发出您已经完成工作的信号来关闭一天那天。
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