ノバク ユニクロ新大使任命
2012年05月24日 22:33 visibility353
5月23日 (水) ユニクロは、世界ランクNo.1のプロテニスプレーヤーであるノバク・ジョコビッチ選手との間で、5年間の 『グローバル ブランド アンバサダー契約』 をしました。
23. 05. 2012.
· Novak has been appointed a global brand Ambassador of one of the world’s most prestigious brands, the Japanese clothing and sports equipment manufacturer UNIQLO.
Djokovic signed a 5-year sponsorship deal and will wear his new outfit for the first time at the second Grand Slam of the season, Roland Garros, which begins on May 27.
The partnership, which takes effect from today, will see the world’s top-ranked player promoting the UNIQLO brand and UNIQLO clothing worldwide. It will also include collaboration on future product lines, as well as co-developing the ultimate UNIQLO functional wear.
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